


201 S Maple St, Ambler, PA, 19002

LeadiD is the only independent, neutral, open technology platform, which tracks the origin and history of every lead event that utilizes the LeadiD system. No supplier-proprietary data is exposed. LeadiD allows Lead Sellers and Lead Buyers to make real-time decisions based upon definitive origin and history flags that are predetermined.

LeadiD fosters an environment of trust in the transaction, one where both Lead Sellers and Lead Buyers alike derive top-line value. With unmatched data, LeadiD is the industry standard for authenticating lead origin and history and the
authentication platform of choice for firms of all sizes. For more information, visit

Company Type


Company Region

Philadelphia Suburbs

Number Of Employees


The Team

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    Dan Mahon

    Startup, tech geek, sales/biz dev guy - interested in helping to de-risk and grow companies. Passionate about sports, travel, & outdoor activities.