

Sean Jordan


A web professional, film and narrative nut, futurist, german car greasemonkey, gamer, etc.


HTML5, xhtml, SEO, UX, css, social media, IA


  • Qcm_logo

    Quaker City Mercantile

    Quaker City Mercantile is a hybrid of 19th century mercantilism and 21st century brand artistry. We create brands from the ground up and bring them to market. This includes all aspects of manufacturing, distribution and marketing. We believe in the importance of making things. We believe that a free market both requires and deserves products ...

  • Hc_logo-twitter

    Happy Cog

    We create beautiful websites, publish our best ideas, and speak to a worldwide community.


  • Philamade


    PhilaMade was founded on a principle of celebration, an attitude of positivity and a mission of inspiration. We think there should be more it. Nothing kills the potential for great work faster than the thought that it can’t be done. Philadelphia is our home. And we’re proud of it. We love this city. And we want to show everyone, incl...