

herb lau

South Philly

business builder, chessplayer, father, recent ADD self-discoverer, husband, real estate agent, weird combination of libertarian and Democrat, agnostician, career rebooter, semi-knowledgeable Philadelphian, quasi- intellectual


few and far between


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    Indy Hall K'House

    Indy Hall & Postgreen Homes are building an awesome & sustainable collaborative place to live in Kensington.

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    Philly Startup Leaders

    Philly Startup Leaders is the largest and most active community of startup entrepreneurs in the Philadelphia region.

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    Indy Hall

    Independents Hall is a coworking space and community in Philadelphia. We are designers, developers, writers, artists, entrepreneurs, scientists, educators, small business owners, telecommuters, marketers, videographers, game developers, and more. The common thread is this: we all know that we're happier and more productive together than alone.