

William Way LGBT Community Center

1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107

The William Way Community Center seeks to encourage, support, and advocate for the well-being and acceptance of sexual and gender minorities through service, recreational, educational, and cultural programming.

History of the Center:
Founded in 1976 as the Gay Community Center of Philadelphia the William Way Community Center has a 35 year history of serving the LGBT community in the Philadelphia region.

The Center purchased its current building in 1997, and the building opened to the public in July 1997. Since then, the Center has developed an array of programming which include:

* Community Services
* Cultural and Educational Programs
* Social and Recreational Programs
* Venue Services

Additionally, 14 community based organizations call the Center home, over 85 more use the venue on a regular basis. The building is open seven days a week and is currently used by over 4,500 people each month.

The Team

  • Bartlettpurp

    Chris Bartlett

    Executive Director, William Way LGBT Community Center, gay community organizer and Radical Faerie from Philly.