

Helikopter Design

Philadelphia PA

Wel­come to the won­der­ful world of Helikopter Design, a stu­dio run by Philadel­phia web designer James Mar­tin. I brew hand-crafted web­sites using ingre­di­ents like HTML, CSS & Javascript. My tools of the trade include Pho­to­shop & Fire­works. What does this mean for the layper­son? Not a damn thing! What you do need to know is that I LOVE what I do. This is not a “job” for me, it’s a pas­sion. The devo­tion for all things web-related enable me to keep up to date on the lat­est trends and devel­op­ments, pass­ing my knowl­edge on to you, the client.

Whether you are inter­ested in a sim­ple blog or a more com­pli­cated cor­po­rate web­site, I can help. I cre­ate stan­dards com­pli­ant web­sites where the objec­tive is “beauty meets prac­ti­cal­ity”. I won’t bore or con­fuse you with tech­ni­cal mumbo-jumbo and I’ll com­mu­ni­cate clearly with you in a lan­guage you can under­stand. Plus, I’m a nice, friendly guy as well!


web design


Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, Wordpress

The Team

  • Jjm4picture

    James J Martin IV

    Web Designer, Web Developer, Owner at Helikopter Design, Dodgeball Superstar.